7 Self-Love Tips for Bad Skin Days
Focus on practicing these seven self-care tips whenever you're not feeling so great about your skin or body...
No matter what your natural skincare routine consists of bad skin days happen to all of us. Pinterest users are making "me time" a priority as part of their self-care ritual. And it's not going away anytime soon. People are looking for ways to maintain their positive attitude and that includes embracing what they might consider skin and body flaws.
In fact Pinterest recently released trending searches:
In fact Pinterest recently released trending searches:
- acne positivity is up 193%
- stretch marks positivity is up +163%
- body hair positivity is up +158%
- cellulite positivity is up +69%
When you're feeling insecure and self-conscious about how you look, the first thing you probably want to do is hide under a rock. It's not unusual to feel that way. But here's the thing. Stressing about what you don't love about yourself will actually just make things worse. Instead focus on practicing these seven self-care tips whenever you're not feeling so great about your skin or body:
1. Focus on what you have
Being grateful helps drive your emotions to feel more positivity. Forget about the past and replace those negative thoughts with things that make you happy. When you wake up in the morning, draw your curtains open and say ""thank you"". Next close your eyes for a few seconds and visually see yourself having a great day. This will help you start your day right. Better yet, write three things that you love about yourself. Or write down 3 things you are grateful for in your like. This was an Oprah all time fave.
MORE TIPS: How to Start Your Day off Right: A Simple Checklist to Get You Started
2. Write down your frustrations
Write down exactly what is bothering you.
If you don't confront your emotions they will eventually rob you of peace of mind. Confronting your emotions will allow you to experience happiness, even if your skin is having a bad day.
After you have finished making a list of what is bothering you, write down the possible solutions next to them. Talk to a trusted friend, journaling, or getting creative with DIY ideas are some great ways to release negative thoughts and emotions. Do you practice self-forgiving? It can be a life changer.
2b. Practice self-love
Ask yourself: how can I be nice to myself right now?
Even if you're not loving your face or body right now it's important that you give yourself some lovin'. Wipe those tears away and try to do one thing every day to love yourself. It can be as simple as having a spa day in the comfort of your home, listening to music that makes you want to dance, buying yourself a hydrating body mist to help you elevate your mood, or watching a funny movie. Do whatever it is that makes you feel better.
3. Read inspirational quotes
Have you ever read a poem and found that one line perfectly describes how you feel at that exact moment? Or sometimes it's just so beautifully written that it gives you goose bumps.
True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.
And the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows.
~Audrey Hepburn
4. Be Patient
If you're starting a new natural skincare regimen give your skin time to do its thing and heal. You're probably tempted to try lots of beauty products to try and correct the issue but the first step in repairing your skin is lots of patience. No stress.
If you start applying product after product, you could actually make the problem worse. Your skin needs to get used to the new products and new routine. Trust your skin and know that it is doing its best to heal the issue and that your skin problem will go away soon.
5. Have a healthy mindset
When you are having a bad skin day, how do you talk to yourself? Are you using negative or positive words when you think about your skin?
You're not your best self until your mindset is healthy too.
This is powerful stuff! Your mindset affects everything in life - not just health. For a week just focus on yourself. Your state of mind. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Look for the good and expect the best. Avoid all negative self talk; worry, blame, anger, complaining.
6. Evening affirmation
If you have had a bad skin day, be sure to say some positive self-affirmations before you go to sleep so you can end your day peacefully. Some examples of bedtime affirmations are:
I did my best today.
I am having a fabulous day tomorrow.
I love myself.
I love my skin and body.
I am can do it.
7. Ignore what people might think
Do you find yourself worrying about what people think about your acneic face or your cellulite? If we are constantly wondering whether other people like us causes stress. This leads to even more skin problems. When you find yourself feeling embarrassed about your flaws start by being kind to yourself, or even doing a good deed for someone else then you might worry less about what others think of you.
Don't blame yourself for your bad skin days. It happens to all of us. Choose peace versus chaos in your mind. Count your blessings, not your blemishes. You can do it!