39 Ways To Kickstart Your Fall Self Care Routine

Now the prime time to reboot our skincare routines to keep our skin glowing and our spirits up all the way to the end of the year. Get your calendar out and start planning for these 40 fall self-care ideas to pamper yourself.

From the crisp and cool air, to changing colors of the leaves, and the smell of pumpkin spice, there is so much to love about the fall season. While the holiday season is ahead of us, it’s now the prime time to reboot our skin care routines to keep our skin glowing and our spirits up all the way to the end of the year. Get your calendar out and start planning for these 40 fall self-care ideas to pamper yourself.

1. Update your skin care products

You might not be aware, but your regular skincare routine may not work for your skin year-round. Just like you switch up your wardrobe with the seasons, the same should be done with your skincare routine.

In the colder fall and winter months you're more likely to experience dryness and flakiness on your skin, especially if you're prone to eczema or other dry skin conditions. So with this change in season, it's time to put away your lightweight summer moisturizers in favor of more water based and moisturizing products that focus on hydrating your skin. You'll also want to look for products that can help combat the visible signs of sun damage, as there's a chance you might have some unwanted dark spots and uneven complexion that occurred over the summer months.

2. Go on a spontaneous weekend staycation

A road trip with friends is the ultimate spontaneous adventure. Even if it’s just for the day or weekend, there’s nothing quite like hitting the open road and exploring. Explore hidden gems near you or areas of natural beauty.

3. Soak your feet before bed

Pamper feet with this essential pedi-cure from the pristine isles of Fiji. A coconut milk foot soak will soften and prepare feet for an extraordinary Sugar Rub which will gently but thoroughly remove dead skin cells. To complete this treatment massage the nourishing body butter onto feet and apply socks. Awaken to smooth silky feet.


  • Add Pure Fiji's luxurious Coconut Milk Bath Soak to warm water in a foot spa or appropriate basin.
  • Relax for 5 minutes while your feet enjoy their soak.
  • Remove feet from the milk bath. Apply a teaspoon of sugar rub to hands and gently massage into feet and calves until sugar dissolves and reaches a honey-like consistency.
  • Place feet in the warm milk bath, rinse and pat dry.
  • Apply a teaspoon of Body Butter to each foot and lightly massage into skin.
  • Slip on the socks provided and let the indulgence of Pure Fiji start working its magic. Leave socks on overnight.
  • Massage Pure Fiji Hydrating Body Lotion into calves and feet for the ultimate finishing touch to your pedicure.

3. Bake a healthy snack for glowing skin

Sunscreen helps keep your skin healthy and beautiful, protecting it from the outside in—but key nutrients in certain foods can shield your skin from damage from the inside out.

4. Do a face massage

Massaging the face not only relieves tension, but it also boosts circulation giving your well-deserved skin an instant mini-lift and it can even help you absorb products better.

There’s nothing better than the good old fashion hands but you can certainly use devices like jade rollers and gua sha to perform your facial massage. Using your hands gives you greater control over pressure and the ability to use your fingers to zero in on areas that are particularly tense.

5. Go hiking but with caution

Hiking and long walks are popular during the fall season. The reality however for hikers is that you'll get bitten by pesky bugs even if you take appropriate precautions. Make sure you arm yourself with Pure Fiji’s Dilo Rescue Body Spray. It’s a highly effective way to soothe, moisturize and nourish irritated skin affected by sunburn, dehydration, insect bites, rashes and more. The perfect product when it hurts to touch these irritations!

6. Track your water intake

In this season, you need water more than ever. How much water should you drink based on your weight? In general, you should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 to 150 ounces of water a day.

If you find plain water boring, why not add some tasty fruits and vegetables to your water?  Adding the right fruits, vegetables and herbs to your water can begin to improve your skin on a cellular level and help you achieve the clear, glowing skin you’re after.

7. Create skin care goals

Keep your eyes on the big picture. The fall season is an absolute perfect time to reflect on, learn, and change old skin care habits. It’s easy to use the same skin care routine with the same products over and over. Now is a great time to step back and review. Decide which steps are necessary and identify any you need to leave behind in the new season. If you’re not sure about when to use what product, make sure to read our blog The Correct Sequence for Using Your Natural Skin Care Products.

8. Declutter your bathroom

All skincare products have a shelf life. Once they’ve gone past that period, they may lose effectiveness, change texture or consistency, or lose their pigmentation. Toss out all expired products.

9. Try meditation

With Halloween and Thanksgiving around the corner, a to-do list suddenly looks 10 times longer. Meditating can improve the quality of sleep—another key factor for healthy skin. Our skin repairs and regenerates itself at night while we’re sleeping, so if you’re not getting good, regular sleep, you’re missing out on those healing and anti-aging benefits.

10. Get your beauty sleep

The best place to start for skin & overall health is to get the recommended amount of rest each night.

11. Take a deep breath

Breathing is the quickest way to de-stress.  This simple, fall self-care idea is free and easy to implement.

12. Aromatherapy

Put three drops of your favorite essential oil in the diffuser and enjoy the soothing autumn ritual before bed.

13. Do an overnight face mask

Get glowing with this powerful Vitamin C treatment masque which is supercharged with pure Vitamin C, Kakadu plum and Lime extracts. These Vitamin C powerhouses are rich in antioxidants strengthening collagen and protecting skin while dramatically increasing luminosity and radiance. The appearance of pores, fine lines and wrinkles are minimized, and skin is left smooth and glowing.

14. Go stargazing

Or just gaze at the stars from your balcony.

15. Go for a drive

Hop on a spontaneous road trip for a day, an afternoon or just for an hour. Roll down the window and enjoy the cool crisp autumn breeze.

16. Get the right vitamins for your skin

Vitamin B3 (known as niacinamide) is an antioxidant and hydrator that can be extremely beneficial for reducing the appearance of pores, strengthening the skin’s barrier, and reducing pigmentation and inflammation.

17. Build yourself an indoor herb garden

Fall doesn't have to mean the end of enjoying fresh home-grown herbs. You can grow herbs like mint and add them to your spa water. Mint water is very beneficial for getting rid of rashes and pimples.

18. Change up your workout routine

Fall is a season when we tend to get “too cozy “. If you feel unmotivated for working out, it’s time to switch cardio to strength training. Too busy to work out. HIIT is a great way to boost your mood and burn fat at the same time.

19. Unfriend those toxic people in your life

Detox your life by removing negativity & narcissists from your life.

20. Have a detox bath soak

Toxins are poisonous substances that negatively affect our health. We expose ourselves to toxins daily, from sources like pollution, processed foods, and pesticides. And when we don’t release these toxins, it’s reflected in our health and the way we feel throughout the day.

While there are many ways to detox, one of the easiest and most relaxing is through a detox bath using Pure Fiji’s Coconut Milk Bath Soak.

21. Online window shopping

You don’t need to spend a dime for the fun of it. And it’s also time for some early Christmas gift ideas.

22. Build a new good habit

Start small like going to bed by 10 pm. And track it with your bullet journal.

23. Visit local tourist sites

Take a day to visit places tourists flock to. Explore like a true newcomer in the city. Maybe you’ll see things you have never noticed before or fall in love again with your city.

24. Place a candle in your home office

Having candles within your home office space can help keep your senses up and running, thus preventing your body from wanting to slow down too much.

If you are looking for a scented, long-lasting candle to fill your room with a rich fragrance then non-toxic coconut wax is the way to go.

25. Exfoliate

Sun, heavy moisturizers, chlorine, and outdoor activities from your summer activities can take a toll on your skin, leaving it dull and flakey. As we approach the fall season, it’s time to start exfoliating the skin with Pure Fiji’s Coconut Sugar Rub once a week helps remove dead skin cells and leaves your skin smooth and renewed.

26. Roast some veggies

For those who hate greens, try roasting them with avocado oil, salt and pepper.

27. Collect fallen leaves of different colors and make a scrapbook

Spend a fall afternoon outside getting fresh air and leaves for this project.

28. Make a DIY fall wreath

And make it your seasonal home statement. Go to Pinterest for the best ideas!

29. Enjoy the moment

Find a bench and do nothing for an hour. Enjoy a moment of peace and serenity by simply watching people come and go.

30. Visit a new place

Do you have a travel bucket list? Find somewhere affordable with great fall views and hop on the next flight.

Remember that the skin is comfortable when the humidity is between 40 to 70 percent but the fact is most airplane cabins are at about 20 percent. Along with lack of humidity means lack of hydration resulting in dry, flaky, or red skin. The solution? Instantly hydrate and refresh your skin with Pure Fiji’s Coconut Water Hydrating Toning Mist. It contains a blend of fresh coconut water, hyaluronic acid and ngi grass for 24-hour hydration. Infused with soothing cucumber hydrosol, passionflower extract and skin-clarifying witch hazel for the ultimate in skin hydration and comfort on the plane and anywhere else.

31. Treat yourself to a professional facial

A facial is a great way to recharge your skin and get rid of impurities, while you get to relax at the same time.

If life prevents you from a monthly facial, at least schedule one every season. The warmer seasons cause acne or sun damage while the colder seasons cause dry skin. Scheduling a facial for each season assures your skin isn’t hurt by the weather changes.

32. Create a spa like bathroom

Creating a home spa is the perfect way to provide a tranquil retreat that promotes good health and well-being while reducing stress.

It requires only a few simple tweaks, so you don't have to take on a major bathroom remodel to create your at-home spa. Be sure to engage all of your senses by adding scented soaps, mini toiletries set aside in a basket, sponges and candles.

33. Try a no-makeup look

Skinimilism has been a growing trend on Pinterest for a couple of years now. In fact, less is more. Most of the time we really don’t need to cover our entire face with foundation. Instead use a concealer or foundation to dab on the blemished spots. Simply pat with your finger to blend.

34. Stock up on antioxidant foods

Antioxidants protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to several problems including premature aging.

If you want to give your skin a boost of antioxidants, you can try using natural skin care products with moringa oil like Pure Fiji’s Hydrate and Nourish Luxury Face Oil. This supercharged anti-aging blend of oils is full of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins to hydrate, nourish and smooth skin while restoring radiance leaving skin with a youthful glow.

35. Check skin ingredients

Do you ever wonder what skin ingredients you need to focus on at different ages? You know the ones like retinol, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and so on. It’s important to remember that certain skincare ingredients that worked for your skin in your 20s, aren’t necessarily good enough for you when you are in your 30s, let alone your 40s. Check out our blog for a list of ingredients you need decade by decade.

36. Continue to Protect Your Skin With SPF

We often think that when the temperatures are dropping, the sun isn’t as harmful, but this is false. Sun protection is a year-round job, so be sure to apply sunscreen to your face, neck, and any exposed chest area every single day, rain, or shine!

37. Listen to your skin

Regardless of the season, the skin is constantly adapting to internal and external changes. It’s important to be attentive to your skin, so you can recognize when it’s not getting what it needs. So, when skin problems arise, make sure you’re using products that are formulated to address your specific needs!

38. Do an overnight peel

An overnight peel is great for busy people. Seriously. Renew and resurface skin overnight with Pure Fiji’s powerful blend of glycolic and mandelic acid enhanced with niacinamide and extracts of fresh garden sprouts. Fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, acne scars and enlarged pores will be dramatically diminished. Awake to rejuvenated, glowing skin.


Year-round self-care includes considering changes in your routines as the seasons change.

Plus, self-care also helps mitigate the negative effects of stress. That’s why it’s so important! Without self-care, stress builds up until we feel overwhelmed, exhausted, depressed, and it sucks that beautiful glow from our skin. Remember…you’re worth excellent year-round self-care!

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