The Complete DIY Natural Skincare Guide for Radiant Skin

While perfect skin may seem like an impossible request, there are some things that you can do to help. Here's your ultimate DIY skincare guide for radiant skin all year long!

Whether they admit it or not, every woman wishes they could have beautiful, radiant, flawless skin. While perfect skin may seem like an impossible request, there are some things that you can do to help. Here's your ultimate DIY skincare guide for radiant skin all year long!


1. Always wash and moisturize your face in the a.m. and p.m.

Use a gentle cleanser everyday when you wake up and before you go to bed, like Pure Fiji's purifying cleanser to remove any buildup and unclog your pores. After cleansing, always apply a moisturizer, like Pure Fiji's hydrating day creme, day and night to protect, nourish and hydrate all day long.

2. Start a 5 minute morning ritual

Stress can wreak havoc on your complexion - when you're stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which may increase your skin's oil production thus making you more prone to pimples. Try practicing meditation for 5 minutes every morning when you wake up to activate your body's natural relaxation response.

3. Apply 50+ Sunscreen

Sunscreen not only protects against skin cancer, it can also help to protect your skin against aging as well. Studies have shown that women who use sunscreen on a daily basis were less likely to have increased skin aging than their peers who chose not to use a sunscreen.

4. Take a warm shower or bath

The warmth of the water re-energizes your skin and helps to expel dirt from your pores. Make sure the water is not too hot, though, as hot water can dry out the skin. Use a natural shower gel like Pure Fiji's coconut milk shower gel for cleansing in the shower and their coconut milk bath soak for a relaxing warm bath.

5. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep

Not getting enough sleep every night will make your skin appear dull. As you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone - a key component for collagen production, and radiant, youthful looking skin.

6. Drink detox water

Detox water is the perfect way to get all the necessary nutrients for clear, glowing skin. Water alone is key to great skin as it flushes out toxins, delivers nutrients to your cells and keeps your cells hydrated. Hydrated skin = glowing skin.

7. Take your vitamins

Certain vitamins are key to great skin. Vitamins A, B3, C and E are all powerhouses when it comes to curbing damage caused by free radicals and helping to prevent premature aging.

8. Sanitize your cell phone and headphones

Throughout the day bacteria accumulates on our phones, which are in constant contact with our skin. Use a disinfectant on a soft cloth to gently wipe down your phone every day. Your headphones are also full of bacteria so make sure you wipe them down daily with a damp cloth.


9. Exfoliate your face and body

Over the course of a week, dead skin cells build up on the surface of your skin causing your skin to look dull. Exfoliate in the morning with a natural beauty product like Pure Fiji's exfoliating scrub. On your body, use a product with fresh sugar cane and cold pressed coconut oil like Pure Fiji's coconut sugar rub for smooth, glowing skin.

10. Give yourself a DIY Facial

This is probably one of the easiest things you can do at home, and can be made using ingredients from your kitchen! First make sure that your skin is clean using a good natural cleanser, like Pure Fiji's purifying cleanser. Next, whip up a batch of your favorite DIY mask, like this avocado facemask for dry skin.



  1. Mash or puree the avocado until it's smooth and creamy
  2. Blend in honey and Nourishing Exotic Bath & Body Oil.
  3. Apply to your face, avoiding your eyes, and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Lie down and relax.
  5. Wipe your face clean with a damp cloth and rinse your face with warm water.
  6. Apply Pure Fiji Balancing Toner to cotton pad and gently wipe face.
  7. Apply Pure Fiji Hydrating Serum.
  8. Finish off with your favorite Pure Fiji Day or Night Creme.

11. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity

Exercise helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital, helping you to cleanse your skin from the inside out.

12. Change your pillowcase

Your pillowcase is a haven for dirt and oil. Products from your hair are transferred to your face via your pillowcase. Make sure you wash your pillowcase at least once a week to keep the dirt, sweat and oil from making its way onto your skin.

13. Give yourself a scalp massage

A scalp massage is great for maintaining strong hair, promoting a healthy scalp and keeping stress under wraps. Apply Pure Fiji's Nourishing exotic bath and body oil to your scalp and roots and massage it in, focusing on the back of your head and your temples.

14. Eat the right foods for healthy skin

A diet chock full of vitamins, nutrients and healthy fats is the secret to achieving that glow you're after.

Dr. Oz's anti-aging salad combines the power of 5 anti-aging fruits and vegetables. Improve your hair, skin, memory, and even fight cancer, all in one dish.


  1. Watercress
  2. 1 apricot
  3. 1 cucumber
  4. 1 blood orange
  5. ½ eggplant
  6. Olive oil
  7. Garlic
  8. Black pepper
  9. Apple cider vineger


  1. Use watercress as your greens. Chop up one fresh apricot, one small cucumber, and add to water cress.
  2. Cube ½ of an eggplant (add more if desired). Drizzle with olive oil, garlic and black pepper. Roast in oven for 40-45 minutes at 400∞ F. Place on top of salad.


  1. Juice one blood orange.
  2. Mix juice with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and º cup apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  3. Toss over salad.



15. Examine your skin for changing moles

Perform a self-check once a month to look for any new or changing moles or marks. Look specifically for the ABCDEs of moles: asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving.

16. Treat yourself to a massage at the spa

Getting a massage on a monthly basis has a wealth of benefits including reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. Massage also encourages lymphatic drainage and adds sparkle to a dull complexion.

17. Give yourself a hot oil treatment

Use an oil with a blend of coconut oil, macadamia, dilo and sikeci oil like Pure Fiji's nourishing exotic oil.

  1. Heat the oil so it is warm to the touch (about 10-15 seconds in the microwave).
  2. Rub the oil into your scalp and hair and massage well with your fingertips (2-3 minutes).
  3. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave in for an hour or more.
  4. Shampoo and condition as usual.

18. Pamper your hands with a Coconut DIY manicure

Our hands work so hard, give them a little break in Paradise with an express version of our Pure Fiji Spa Manicure. Deeply hydrate and repair the skin while freshening up the look of your hands and nails.

Products Needed:

  1. 1 tsp Sugar Rub
  2. 1 tbsp Milk Bath mixed with 1 cup hot water in large manicure bowl
  3. 1 tsp Hydrating Lotion

Supplies Needed:

  1. 1 coconut bowl
  2. 2 small dishes
  3. 1 tray
  4. 1 manicure bowl - 14 to 16 inches diameter preferred
  5. 2 dry hand towels


Place the following in a tray.

  1. Milk Bath mixed with 1 cup hot water in coconut bowl.
  2. Sugar Rub in one small dish.
  3. Hydrating Lotion in one small dish.
  4. 2 dry hand towels

Step 1:

  1. Mix Milk Bath into small bowl with warm water. Soak hands for 5 minutes.
  2. Lay hand towel on a small table.
  3. Push cuticles.
  4. Buff nails.
  5. File nails.

Step 2:

  1. Thoroughly moisten arm with Milk Bath.
  2. Exfoliate hand and arm with Sugar Rub.
  3. Rinse hands and arms.
  4. Dry hands and arms with hand towel.

Step 3

  1. Apply Hydrating lotion to each hand and arm.

Step 4

  1. Appy base coat, polish, and top coat.

At Home Care:

  1. Sugar Rub - for weekly exfoliation.
  2. Hydrating Lotion or Hand Cream - As a daily moisturizer

19. Groom your brows

Your eyebrows shape your whole face, so it's important you keep them looking great. Book an appointment at least once a month to get your brows groomed and trimmed.

20. Wash your makeup brushes

Your makeup brushes can become full of bacteria, so it's important that you clean them at least once a month.

DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner


  1. 1 cup hot water
  2. 1 tbsp Coconut Milk Shower Gel
  3. 2 tbsp white vinegar


  1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl.
  2. Swish each brush into the bowl.
  3. Rinse under hot water.
  4. Squeeze excess water.
  5. Lay brushes with a clean towel.

21. Touch up your roots

Root touch ups freshen your look and keep your hair looking bright and youthful. When to touch up your roots depends on how fast your hair grows and the color of your hair. Dark hair can go longer between touch-ups as it is less noticeable. Platinum or blond highlights are a must every 4 weeks.


22. Change your skin care products

You should rotate your products every few months to protect your skin from the elements. You probably find that your skin tends to be oilier in the summer months and drier in the winter, meaning that the moisturizer you use when it's warm out won't do the job when it's super cold. Pure Fiji has a range of skin care products that will keep your skin radiant and beautiful all year long!

23. Clean your makeup bag

You might not realize it but your makeup bag can get pretty dirty over the course of a year! Use a brush-cleaning spray or mild soap to wet the inside of your makeup bag and wipe it clean with a paper towel. Let it air-dry before putting your makeup and accessories back in.

24. Trim your hair

Getting a trim about three or four times a year is ideal to ensure your hair stays healthy and free of split ends. To maintain the style and shape of a shorter do, more frequent trims may be necessary.

25. Treat yourself to a pedicure

Whether you decide to do a pedicure at home or one at the spa, it's a great way to take care of your feet. If you decide to do a pedicure at home, try using Pure Fiji's exotic bath and body oil on your feet. Due to its nourishing and hydrating properties, this oil is perfect for smoothing dry, cracked heels and feet.

26. Get a professional facial

Getting a facial is more than just spending a relaxing hour at the spa. They have immense benefits for the wellness of your skin, both in the short term and long term.

You'll get:

  1. professional advice
  2. deep exfoliation
  3. high tech treatments
  4. deep cleansing
  5. extractions


27. Schedule a full-body skin cancer scan

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers, regardless of race and gender. With proper detection and treatment, early stage skin cancers are almost always curable - the key being early detection. Book a yearly examination by a dermatologist to make sure you are keeping on top of it.

28. Treat yourself to a day at the spa

Life can get hectic so once a year make sure you take some time for yourself and spend a day at the spa. Regular treatments will help keep your skin supple and keep wrinkles at bay.

It's as easy as following the tips above for naturally flawless skin that can be yours all year long!

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